Fit Tools Kit – Body Fat Caliper & Tape
Fit Tools Kit – Body Fat Calipers With Measuring Tape & Body Fat Booklet.
Know your numbers and reach your goals! measure progress millimetre-by-millimetre, inch-by-inch with these snazzy bright red body fat callipers and a body tape measure to get a true read on your health.
Fit Tools Kit By Fitlosophy
Know your numbers and reach your goals! measure progress millimetre-by-millimetre, inch-by-inch with these snazzy bright red body fat callipers and a body tape measure to get a true read on your health. plus, included is an educational measure-up! guide for step-by-step instructions on taking body measurements & testing your body fat, interpreting results, and tracking progress toward your goals.
Sometimes the scale is not the most accurate picture of your health and fitness. building muscle? the number on the scale may not budge but your body fat + inches are melting away. testing body fat regularly and measuring with a body tape measure will show you progress in your body composition, a much better indicator of health. use all three tools to keep tabs on your progress!
- Includes Body Fat Calipers
- Includes Body Tape Measure
- Bonus MeasureUP! Guide